Craftiness is a talent!
Be yourself, You'll be amazing, Express yourself how you want to be seen....

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Homemade body spray? YES!

So today I came home from my horsey friend(which just so happens its blazing hot and sticky today) and I thought, I could go for some body spray right about now. So I Googled  "Women's body spray" and came up with a few things that said you could make it! Well what do you know? I found some recipes and made some. Mmm! I just filled a spray bottle with distilled water and added lavender essential oil (about 40+ drops) to it and shook it up. This smell won't last long so I'm just going to use it until the smell goes and then make some more! ;) I got the idea from this  site. It's a really neat place and I'm going to go check it out some more once I'm finished here.

Jordyn, over and out!! ;)


Elizabeth said...

That's really cool! Alex has a lot of essential oils that she's been using. She made lotion once. I'll have to tell her about this one!

She actually just finished making rose water because we have a SUPER full bush outside. :)

Sorry we haven't returned your letter yet. But we will soon!!


Alexandria Buller said...

I've done this before! (But I added peppermint as well). As of right now, my body spray is rose water ( and it smells lovely. Personally, I think that fresh lavender smells better than essential oil lavender, so I am going to make lavender water with the method of which you make rose water. But, all of it smells awesome!

Alexandria Buller said...

(P.S- There is a great website that is full of body recipes (from things like body wash, to shampoo, to body spray)-